Global partnership announced between Schneider Digital and DAT/EM Systems International

The dual-screen, passive stereo 3D PluraView systems are 100% compatible to all DAT/EM products, including the flagship Summit Evolution Professional digital stereoplotter.

The software producer DAT/EM Systems International of Anchorage (USA) and the 3D hardware specialist Schneider Digital from Miesbach (Germany), have announced a global partnership agreement for the distribution of the latest 3D stereoscopic vision technology from Schneider Digital to all DAT/EM customers around the globe. Under this cooperation from now on, DAT/EM partners worldwide can directly distribute to their clients the 3D PluraView stereo monitors and Schneider Digital Workstations as complete photogrammetric workplace solutions, for example in combination with the Summit Evolution Professional digital stereoplotter.

?The combination of the state-of-art 3D PluraView displays with the Summit Evolution software provides the clearest visualization of stereo imagery for photogrammetrists worldwide?, said Jeffrey Yates, General Manager of DAT/EM Systems International. ?The increased visual acuity allows map compilation to be more productive with greater accuracy?. 

The dual-screen, passive stereo 3D PluraView systems are 100% compatible to all DAT/EM products, including the flagship Summit Evolution Professional digital stereoplotter. DAT/EM software and Schneider Digital photogrammetry hardware products combine into the most precise, productive and user-friendly stereoscopic data capture environment with unparalleled display quality and fastest response times to work even with terabyte-sized imagery.

?We have been working very closely with DAT/EM International and DAT/EM Europe for many years and have built a trusted relationship which benefits our joint user community in the area of GEO-IT applications?, said Josef Schneider, the CEO and founder of Schneider Digital. ?Together with DAT/EM on the software side, our objective always was and always will be to provide the best functionality and quality for the photogrammetry workstations and 3D PluraView monitors that we manufacture?. For the user, this means a completely homogeneous and integrated 3D stereo workstation solution with perfectly coordinated hardware and software components.

Schneider Digital